Gradient Descent

In this topic you will get the mathematical explanation of gradient descent.

Bias Variance Tradeoff

Supervised machine learning algorithms can best be understood through the lens of the bias-variance trade-off. In this post, you will discover the Bias-Variance Trade-Off and how to use it to better understand machine learning algorithms and get better performance on your data.

Ridge and Lasso Regression

In this topic you will get a comprehensive beginners guide for Linear, Ridge and Lasso Regression in Python.

Cross validation

In this topic you will get a overview of how to split data using cross validation technique.

Hyper parameter tuning

Machine learning models are parameterized so that their behavior can be tuned for a given problem. Models can have many parameters and finding the best combination of parameters can be treated as a search problem. In this topic, you will discover how to tune the parameters of machine learning algorithms in Python using the scikit-learn library.